Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Social Studies in Indonesia


In the field social knowledge, there are many terms for it. The terms includes : Social Sciences, Social Studies, and Social Science (IPS).
1. Social Sciences
Achmad Sanusi gave limitation on the Social Sciences (Saidiharjo,1996.p.2) as follow :”Social Sciences combining from the disciplines of social sciences for academic level and usually studied at college level, and more advanced more scientific”.
According to Gross (Djahiri Kosasih, 1981.p.1), Social Sciences is intellectual discipline which study humans being as social being scientifically, focused on people as members of society and in group or society that he makes.
Nursid Sumaatmadja, said that Social Sciences is a branch of science that study human behavior both individually or in a group of society. Therefore Social Sciences is the study about human behavior as an individu and as a member of society.
2. Social Studies
The difference of Social Studies with Social Sciences is Social Studies is not a scientific or academics discipline, but rather a field of study of symptoms and social problems. About Social Studies Achmad Sanusi (1971:18) gives explanation as follows : Social Studies not always universities` academic standard, even subject material for elementary students.
3. Social Science (IPS)
It must be recognized that the idea of Social Science (IPS) came from social science education in America. The native name of Social Science in America is “Social Studies”. The terms was used for the first time as the name of a committee “Committee of Social Studies” which founded in 1913. The purpose of the establishment of the institution is as place of experts who are interested in the curriculum of Social Sciences who have similar interest.
IPS definition according to the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) as follows: Social Studies is the integrated study of the science and humanities to promote civic competence. Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an Interdependent World.
Basically Mulyono Tj. (1980:8) gives limits IPS is an (Inter-disciplinary Approach) of the Social Sciences lessons. IPS is the integration of the various branches of Social Sciences, such as sociology, cultural anthropology, social psychology, history, geography, economics, science of politics, and so on. This is more emphasized again by Sudiharjo (1996:4) that the IPS is the result or fusion outcome from the combination or a mixture of numbers of subjects such as: geography, economics, history, sociology. Anthropology, and politics.

B. History the Growth of Social Sciences in Indonesia

a. The Birth of Social Science
IPS subjects which entered Indonesia is derived from the United States, which in the country of origin is called Social Studies. Social Studies first includes in the school curriculum was in Rugby (England) in 1827, or about half century after the Industrial Revolution (18th century), which was marked by changes in the use of human energy into mechanical power.
Social Studies background in the school curriculum in the United States was different from the UK because of the circumstances that caused it different. United States population consists of various races including the race of Indian the original inhabitants, the white race who came from Europe and the Negro race brought from Africa to be employed in the plantations of the country.
At first the United States population is multi-racial was not a problem. Only after the civil war going on between the north and the south or known as the Slave War lasted from 1861-1865 in which the United States was ready to become a world power, began to feel the difficulty, because the multi-racial population are finding it difficult to be one nation.
In addition, socio-economic differences were very sharp. The expert of civic and education strive to make a multi-racial population into nation that’s feels the American people. One of the way which was done was included the Social Studies into the school curriculum in the state of Wisconsin in 1892. After having done some researches, then in the early 20th century, National Commission of the National Education Association provided recommendation about the necessary for Social Studies included in the curriculum of all primary and secondary school in the United States. The form of Social Studies for the first time was a kind of mixture of the subject of History, Geography, and Civics.
The purpose to included the Social Studies in the school curriculum was motivated by the desire that after the students graduated from the elementary and secondary school the students having:
1. Be a good citizens, in the other word knowing and applying their obligation and rights in the society.
2. Can live in a society with the right manner and balance, paying attention to the personal and public interests.
To achieve this objectives, the students shouldn`t wait to learn social sciences in college, but actually they have got the Social Studies in the elementary and secondary school.

b. The Birth of Social Science in Indonesia
The background of Social Studies included into school curriculum in Indonesia was very different to the UK and the United States. In Indonesia Social Studies is called IPS(Social Science). IPS Growth in Indonesia couldn`t separated from the chaotic situation , including in education, as a results of G30S/PKI rebellion, which could eventually put down by the New Order government. After the government launched a Five-Year Development Plan (Repelita). During Repelita I (1969-1974) National Research Team in the field of education found five national issues in education. These five issues were:
1. The quantity, related to the expansion and equity in chance to study.
2. Quality, involves increasing the quality of graduates.
3. Relevance, related to compliance with the education system with the development needs.
4. Effectiveness and efficiency of education system in using the resources and fund.
5. Development of young generation in order to prepare the productive forces for the interests of national development.

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